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SMB Community Podcast by James Kernan

Focused 100% on IT Service Providers and SMB IT Consultants. The SMB Community Podcast is produced by James Kernan and Kernan Consulting. Dedicated to the success of every IT professional. Episodes drop every Thursday. Hosts include Karl W. Palachuk, Amy Babinchak, and James Kernan.

Dec 2, 2012

I ran into Arlin in Orlando a few weeks ago, but we never connected for a podcast. So we made a point of connecting my phone a few days ago.


Arlin Sorensen of HTG

Arlin Sorensen of HTG

Heartland Technology Groups (HTG) have been a major force in the SMB space for many years. HTG programs have traditionally been face to face peer groups. Right now there are about 250 companies in the face to face groups.

But now there are another 70 companies involved with HTG’s online program. Arlin gives us some good information about the specialty groups that are evolving. There are specialty groups for managers, smaller companies, and even much larger companies.

HTG’s big annual conference will be in Dallas May 6-9, 2013.

In addition, HTG is organizing a “CEO Vision” Summit in Omaha, NE August 15-16, 2013. This will be a special “Ted-Style” format. Arlin gives the details in our podcast.

– Download the Interview with Arlin Sorensen here.

Whether you’re interested in the Face to Face peer groups, online peer groups, or specialty programs, you can find out more information at

Check it out today.
