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SMB Community Podcast by James Kernan

Focused 100% on IT Service Providers and SMB IT Consultants. The SMB Community Podcast is produced by James Kernan and Kernan Consulting. Dedicated to the success of every IT professional. Episodes drop every Thursday. Hosts include Karl W. Palachuk, Amy Babinchak, and James Kernan.

Oct 28, 2021

Host Karl talked to Larry Mandelberg, one of the founding members of the National Society of IT Service Providers Board of Directors.

Larry is a long-time technologist and business consultant. He is the author of the forthcoming book, Businesses Don't Fail, They Commit Suicide.

Larry is a "serial entrepreneur" who solves complex business problems for companies in a wide range of industries. He represents the fifth generation of his family’s business, inheriting 150 years of successful organizational experience. Larry has experience in all stages of business growth. He has launched four start-ups, led a merger, and conducted a successful turnaround.

When the NSITSP was formed in the Summer of 2021, Larry was selected as one of the Board members. He brings a great deal of experience in non-profit boards as well at professional businesses and business success.


For information on the NSITSP, please visit 

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Sponsor memo: Calyptix Security

Cyber security for small business has become overwhelming.  Unprecedented threats, escalating rhetoric and limited resources. None of us can battle alone.

Lean on your community at Calyptix Security.

The Calyptix Community Shield automatically unites small businesses and raise the costs and challenges for cybercriminals by harnessing threat intelligence from our community. If they attack any one of us, everyone gets the benefit with Community Shield.

The best part? No added costs. By working together, we will prevail.

Learn more at and tell them Karl sent you.
